The college has good library. The Size of the library rooms is ‘62x 36.6’. The total numbers of books available in library are about 20372. Library has large collection of important encyclopaedias, dictionaries, recent books related to pedagogical & methodological areas of teacher education. Open accession system is used in library. Library provides two books on loan to students on the library tokens. Besides this there is provision for Book-Bank. The library remains open on all working days from 10 AM to 5 PM. About 15 Educational journals & twenty five magazines & Newspapers are prescribed in library.
Psychology Resource Centre
As the knowledge of Psychology is essential for prospective teachers, the college has psychological resource centre. The main objective of this resource centre for B.Ed. is to acquaint the students with various tests, to develop necessary skills in them for administration & interpretation of the test, So that they can know about learner & they can help in development of balanced personality of the learner.
The laboratory is in good condition & all important tests & apparatuses are available in the laboratory. Students have facilities to use the tests for their work.

Science Resource Centre
The college has adequately equipped Science laboratory, where the Science students not only go for practical work but also get material issued for demonstration for practical work in class rooms during internship.
ICT Resources Centre & Language Lab
To provide variety of learning experiences, college has 25 computers, DVD player, Handicam, LCD Projector, OHP, slide projector & many other equipment.
College has language lab to enhance English Language skills. 21 multimedia PCs installed Sanako teaching and class-room management software available. Here students practice with their own pace without feeling shy.
Games and Sports
The college has provision for games, sports & yoga training. There are adequate and well maintained playgrounds and equipments for indoor and outdoor games like Badminton, Table Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Handball, Kho-Kho, Hockey and also facility for sports. Students practice and learn games of her choice. Interhouse competitions are organized by college. Students also encouraged to participate in inter college tournaments.
The institute offers the facility of spacious and well furnished girls hostel with all amenities and conveniences.
Smoke Detector
For many years NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, has required as a minimum that smoke
alarms be installed inside the institution. Smoke detector is important in Institute simply because fires
often start there -- even if you aren't around when they start. To minimize false alarms, detectors should
be mounted at least 10 feet from smoke.Keeping this safety in mind, smoke detector has been installed
in Narayani Devi Verma Teacher Training College, this smoke detector have been installed in ICT lab,
office and Library.

A fire hose reel is a first attack piece of fire-fighting equipment. It is designed to be used as a quick-response method by any member of the general public for fighting fires in their early stages. Hose Reels are suitable for Class A fires. It is a basic requirement in institution for safety point of view.
Fire hose reels are located in our institution Smt. Narayani Devi Verma Women Teacher’s Training College to provide a reasonably accessible and controlled supply of water to combat a potential fire risk. They are ideal for large high risk environments such as schools, hotels, factories etc.

Fire Safety
A fire safety plan is a formal document containing the procedures to follow in case of a fire. It is necessary that every employee knows the procedures to be followed prior to any fire as to avoid any type of misunderstanding or stampede which can unnecessarily lead to death or the deaths of other employees. Fire plan has been installed in Narayani Devi Verma Women Teachers Training College from the point of view of safety, all of it Demos were given to the teachers so that they could see any kind of danger they can use it properly.

Safety and Security
Narayani Devi Varma Teacher Training College is a women's college, this college has 24 hour security, there is a 24 hour watchman at the main gate, who makes the entry in register of all the people
coming from out side.
College students are not admitted in the college if they do not come in uniform and if they have to be admitted for any reason, then they are given permission only by contacting the watchman to the Principal on phone and than permission should be granted. This is a best practice of our institute which
helps in maintaining discipline in the institute. its important plays a role.

Other Laboratories
For Pedagogy courses curriculum labs, Art & Craft Lab & Music Room is also available. All labs are well equipped.
Art & Craft

Science Curriculum Lab

Social Science Curriculum Lab